Monday, October 17, 2011

vive la différence

My motto is: "if we were all the same, the Earth would be a very boring place to live". 

I like differences. Whether in looks, personality, skin color, religion, politics, fashions, social status, hair color, eye color, weight, height, attitude, culture, class....
I believe the differences are the very core of what makes our world rotate on it's axis. The God given uniqueness of individuality defines beauty.

If everyone were like me, daily life wouldn't have any spark. Nobody would be there to challenge me, drive me, inspire me.

From a societal perspective, we are going to have differences that are pleasant, some that put a distaste in our mouths and perhaps strong differences that offer a severance.
I recently had an experience that rocked my boat. Threw me off kilt. A moment that defined "differences". I believe myself to have an appreciation of uniqueness, quirks, opinions and needs. I do not have an appreciation for prejudice.

Like most, I have my very own distinct "taste" and religious morals, I can appreciate when others taste varies from my own. I admire those that find true friendship, love or otherwise in another person. It is not for me or you to judge what is right for another human being.

I tend to avoid people that are abusive, disconnected from reality, disrespectful, ignorant.  

So, I say this;
be the best human you can be. Grow, learn, nurture your soul. Judge less. Love more and by all means, appreciate the differences in life, after all, that is how God made us.

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