Monday, October 10, 2011


There are so many changes that have happened in my life over the past year. Divorce, a move, new school for the girls, the dating life...
While it is necessary to put on a smile and pretend like everything is great, that is not really what is going on under the surface.
Divorce is HARD. A real kick in the gut. You don't recover from it or heal from it just because papers were signed. It takes time, its sweet precious time, like a doesn't go away over night.

What keeps me up at night is how I am supposed to balance everything in my life. I am not so great at balance. I am better at focus, on one, maybe two things, but balancing a 3 ring circus, not my strength. You would think I would be excellent at balance, being a Libra. Not so much.

My ability to balance, wear many hats and succeed is really being pushed to the limit. I know, and have said this before, that a diamond is a lump of coal made good under pressure. Truth is, I am pretty comfortable being a sparkly little lump of coal. 

I am doing everything in my power to keep my kids out of after school care. With that, comes much sacrifice for them, and for me.
It is my greatest hope and wish that my work will be fruitful so that my girls can come HOME from school in the afternoons. I also hope that in this process, I can find balance in being a GOOD Mom, having 2 businesses that rely solely on my skills, maintain a household, pay bills on time and contribute to society in a positive way. Somewhere in between, find moments for myself, for my little sparkly coal.
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1 comment:

  1. You just need a good ol' scone, by dear! ;) Hang in there mama, you can do it!
