Saturday, September 10, 2011

Grandparents Day.

This was the first time the girls had their "Grandma" (or any Grandparent for that matter) attend Grandparents Day....well, except for when I dressed up as a Grandma when Bella was in Kinder. She wanted to have a Grandparent on the designated day and I didn't want to disappoint.
SO, glasses, feather in hair, shawl, knee high panty hose, lipstick on my teeth...I made an appearance at school. Bella was totally amused and her classmates thought it was a hoot.
I cannot tell you how thankful I was that I didn't have to bring out the "old" wardrobe this year. Thankfully, Nan-e came to the rescue. Looking NOTHING like a Grandma, as usual, and befriending some of the kiddos in the class that didn't have a Grandparent present. Nan-e saved the day and made some friends along the way. Nan-e also made 2 girls VERY VERY happy. 
Where's Waldo? See if you can find Bella with Nan-e in the photo above...

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