Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Old School

On this particular day, a year and a half ago, I spent most of the day conquering that "jump" that I used to be able to do about 250 years ago with complete grace .....It is all my brother's fault, he provokes a sense of youth in me and likes to challenge me to pull a muscle in some random place. It is ON like Donkey Kong, we like to take it back to the "old school" when we are together.
Honestly, we are 12, it is so fun.

On this day, I chose to jump around, pose with statues and relish in some of the most simple, unplanned, free spirited good times that a girl can have. These days, I appreciate the simplicity of movie night at home, dinner on a blanket under the stars and occasionally, taking it back to the old school, cuz I'm an old fool...(you are welcome for humming "can you dig it? we can dig it" for the next 8 hours). The small, simple pleasures in life do not have to cost anything at all, but can become a priceless memory.
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