Monday, June 20, 2011

Me and my PEEPS

One evening, Lexie and Bella were playing outside and they came across this little fella on the sidewalk. Little Peep was lost. Mama bird was flying from tree to tree, nervous about how she was going to get her little one back to her nest. Why she didn't swoop down and pick him up in the first place is a mystery. Maybe she could come down and give him a crash course in flying, or maybe, that is how he ended up here in the first place.
So, the girls got a bucket, put some dried grass and tried to coarse this little fluff ball into "walking" into the bucket. It went something like this: "Come On"..."here little birdie"..."Come On, you can do it"...Then they started to make the sound that you make when you are calling a cat or a dog (little fast kisses). Then, Bella whistled, and that got Little Peep's attention. He opened his mouth and waited for her to regurgitate some dinner for him. 
The girls cracked up laughing. Bella asked, "what do I do?". I said, chew up a worm and spit it in his mouth. I cannot understand why she didn't do it....
Finally, with gloves on, we put Peep on a tall rock near the trees where the Mama bird was flying back and forth, back and forth. We said a little prayer that Little Peep would make it home safely and took our bucket of dried grass home. The next morning, practically before the sun met the horizon and the roosters had their morning coffee, we walked down to see if Peep was rescued. Indeed, he was. We have high hopes that Peep figured out how to flap his wings into the coup and that the "cat call" my kids were doing didn't summon a different kind of rescue mission.
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