Friday, May 27, 2011


I've been told that I have no filter. Well, I have one, it is just broken. I'd like to think that I have some cooth though. For example: "your toes look like fingers" or "you have a mullet" or "____ doesn't know what camel toe is". Yes, these are all things I have said, in the past 2 weeks.

Today, I had a Real Estate photo shoot and part of photographing real estate is making sure that it looks as neat and free from clutter as possible. So, filterless me says to the homeowner..."Can you get some windex and clean this mirror?"...Homeowner says: "do you want to take a few things off the bathroom counter?"....I say, "Yes, how about all of it, and Mr. Homeowner, will you please windex the glass shower door as well?"....oh, but no, I don't stop there. I go on to say, "You know, 1/2 peroxide and 1/2 water with newspaper will clean glass like nobody's business".
See, no filter. I couldn't just ask the man to clean his own bathroom. I had to tell him that the product he was using wasn't cutting it. 

The moral of the story is say what you mean, mean what you say...and I do. So, if you find yourself in a dress that is so tight I can see whether or not your belly button is an innie or an outie, chances are you better cross the street because my filter is BROKEN.

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  1. As I read this post I keep going back to the fact that I must try the peroxide cleaning technique!
