Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dog Days of Summer

 "Dog Days" are the hottest, most sultry days of summer. In the northern hemisphere, they usually fall between early July and early September. In the southern hemisphere they are usually between January and early March. In Texas, Dog Days are fully present in April. It is hot enough to fry an egg on the pavement, and some news team will most certainly oblige us with the footage.
The end of school is traveling in the express lane to completion. Kids are amping up for their summer festivities and parents are planning their escapes via camps and one way tickets to Grandparents house. Nevertheless, ready or not, the dog days of summer are just around the corner. Our program looks no different. We are orchestrating camps, vacations, play dates and sleep overs to get us through the heat and away from diving into a bottle of Tequila (not the kids, duh)....It is something about kids having a strict schedule during the school year that offers parents, and perhaps children, a level of sanity. That sanity goes awry during the summer. Probably because, as parents, we relax on "bed times", rules and what not. The sun comes up before the rooster crows and stays high in the sky until the moon comes and kicks it out of the way, so the daylight beaming into a child's room hinders the sleep patterns of normality. Longer days, unorganized days, hot days, summer days. Each year, we survive it, scrapbook it, enjoy it and look back on it lovingly...Until the end of the following school year, where we dread it....ahhh, here we are.
Hey, I guess it is better to be in the Dog Days than in the Dog House, right?

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