Tuesday, March 1, 2011


The moments in life that tend to take my breath away are the moments that are simple, unexpected. We were having lunch at a restaurant and Lexie climbed on my Mom's lap, they were looking out at the ocean when I captured this shot of the two of them. Ironically, they are very alike....blue eyes, energetic, tiny, kind, vibrant....sassy! I looked at this shot later and it warmed my heart. This photo is a moment, frozen in time, captured, that will forever take my breath away.
Bella was snuggled up to Pa-K, my step Dad. On a complete detour of this subject matter, why is he a "step" Dad? I will never understand that label. A step is a manner of movement, a statement, a footprint. Where did the term "step parent" derive from? I don't know. It seems impersonal to me, especially since I dearly love my step Dad. Perhaps he is making a "footprint" on my life. I know that both of my step parents hold a dear place in my life and in the lives of my children. This photograph shows me the love of a Grand-father for his Grand-daughter. What a blessing!

Mom, Kenny, my girls: you are all my sunshine. I cherish you, I love you and I am always grateful when we are able to be together and "Hang Out"!

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