Monday, March 7, 2011

Sunday Morning Coffee....

This past Sunday was no different than most Sunday's for me. I get up, make myself a cup of coffee, get dressed and go to church. Every Sunday, I walk into church telling myself that I am NOT GOING TO CRY. Every Sunday, I cry. I might make it through all of the heartfelt music, the Pastor's gripping sermon, the lady next to me tearing up...nope, I tell myself, not going to do it. Then, I walk into the lobby of the church and some random person says, "I am drawn to pray for you and I am not sure why, but do you mind if I pray for you?". Then, the prayer is something about how God loves me no matter what my trials are, to lay my troubles onto him and I will survive, and that it is ok for me to buy those sexy black shoes I have been coveting for a week or something like that. Honestly, I cannot hear her prayer over my own sobbing. (I'm sorry lady.)

This week, I was fleeing the scene like I committed a crime. I was having no part of the continuance of waterworks pouring out of my face. So, my buddy and I snuck out the side door. We were escaping beautifully and then, there he was...the Pastor. It's like he had security camera's on me and he knew that my face was unusually dry for my normal mascara massacre. "HI! I'm Kirk. How long have you been coming to church here? Come on guys, have coffee with me, right now, do you have 15 minutes? Do you have to be somewhere?".....

(Inside my brain it went something like this; damn, oh crap, that is Pastor Kirk, break left, run damn it run...but we are the only one's out here, he will notice. He will put me on the big screen next week for being a coward or anti-coffee or something wickedly horrible. THINK, THINK!!! Tell him you are from another country, speak French. Man, we are trapped. I'm not going to cry, 
Wait, he wants us to have coffee? I am so screwed. I am TOTALLY going to cry)

And I did. I cried, he prayed for me and my kids. I bet he would have prayed a little longer if he knew I said damn, twice, right before I met him.....oops.
Nonetheless, in the form of a man, God was present. He was calling out to me, telling me that as difficult as things have been, that I can lay my challenges on him and he will lift me above those challenges....and he also recommends waterproof mascara, and the black sling backs instead, he's just sayin'.

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1 comment:

  1. I cried for 6 weeks straight when we started going to our current church. I, later, figured that it was God's Holy Spirit moving in my heart and healing all of my broken-ness. Let it all out, girl! I am so proud of you!
