Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fat Tuesday

IMG_5771 by sassydennisgirls

Food + Wine = Fat Tuesday, well to be honest, food + alcohol = a day in the life of a CAJUN.

Fat Tuesday basically evolved from Roman festivals into a huge party. This day marks the last day of revelry before Lent. Mardi Gras was a way for revelers to get in one last party before they had to tone it down for the next 40 days and 40 nights until the resurrection of Jesus was celebrated. 

In the early 1800's, the Mardi Gras celebration was a modest version of what it is today. Students visiting Paris, France decided to mimic the European version of Mardi Gras and so the party was born in the latter part of 1820's.

Cajuns have searched the world over to discover reasons to justify an ongoing engagement with alcohol and partying. Jazz Festival, Mardi Gras, Strawberry Jam N' Toast Festival, International Beer Tasting Events, Earth Day, Great Gospel Gathering, Oh that guy looks sober (I'll drink to that day)....and the list, the ginormous list of festivities continues. 

So, whether you are Catholic, Lutheran, Cajun or otherwise....today is a day of legal over-indulgence. Eat King Cake, Drink Merrily, Take Advil and tomorrow, for the next 40 days, don't eat meat on Fridays and give up watching American Idol, or something like that....
Happy Fat Tuesday. 

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