Wednesday, March 30, 2011

how my kids see me


There is something about being a Mom that makes you want to constantly freeze frame your children into a moment in time. Whether it is the first time they put their hands into finger paint, the first bike ride, dance recital, big belly laughter, whatever it is, you want to freeze them in that moment forever. More or less for selfish reasons. We want to look back on our "parenting" journey with loving happy memories. Also, it might be good to have the ammunition in case they need therapy in their mid 20's because of your horrible parenting, you can come back with images of the wonderful childhood that you so lovingly provided them....
Nevertheless, Bella never saw my eyes in her first year of life because I was always looking at her though the lens. Every move, every hiccup, I got it on camera. Even a tantrum, oh yeah, got that baby on film too.

I am a scrap-booker, even though I have been a total slacker fallen a little behind for the past 2 years, ok maybe 3 years. It becomes increasingly difficult to scrapbook an image or one event when you have taken 395 pictures of your subject blowing bubbles. 
However, I have documented their lives and hopefully captured images that my kiddos will enjoy, giggle over and perhaps hold close to their hearts, and stay out of therapy. Even if they don't know what color my eyes are......

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