Thursday, March 31, 2011


Bella was chosen, from a handful of students in her grade level, to perform in a district wide showcase, featuring 7 Elementary schools. Shannon's daughter, Sarah (you go Sarah!), was also chosen to perform. Das right! We are rockin' the district....

Bella's grade level performed a routine with hula hoops, along with 5 other schools in the gym. Each of the 6 groups were performing in sync to the same rhythmic routine, it was AWESOME. I was in awe of how many students were hula hooping at the same time, 20 + students, 6 classes and not ONE child dropped their hula hoop, tripped or got out of sync with the others. It was incredible.
So, Bella, you go girl. You rocked this routine, Mama is proud! W O W .....

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