Friday, February 4, 2011

Super Coma Sunday

Super Bowl Sunday reminds me of my friend Bil. His Mom always had a house full of kids on Super Bowl Sunday. A house full of kids yelling at the TV from every direction, cheering, eating, wrestling, sleeping and eating....There was always a delicious Gumbo, tons and tons of party foods (my favorite) and this chocolate cake that OMG! would rock your socks off. Yellow cake, chocolate frosting and sliced bananas in the middle, from scratch. I would eat until I was in a food coma, then sleep through the last quarter of the game.
Of course, there was the usual poster board with squares waiting for you at the door, the football pool. 
Ever since high school, I have made Gumbo on Super Bowl Sunday. It is now my tradition. Funny thing is, for many years, I didn't have a clue about football. I could barely throw out a players name. I would cheer for the team with the best colors or for their team name, not stats or anything scientific. I say for years but I really mean until the present. Nonetheless, on this particular Sunday, the Gumbo will be made, the party food will be consumed, there will be people yelling at the TV from all directions and I still don't know many of the players names. One thing is for sure The Packers have ugly uniforms and are called cheeseheads. The Steelers were originally the Pittsburgh Pirates, until they changed their name in 1940. A pirate is far more sexy than a cheesehead. So, Packers, pack up and go home... I'm going to be in a food coma and I don't want to have to try and stay awake to watch you get your cheese shredded.
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1 comment:

  1. Umm, yeah. Obviously you know nothing about are totally rooting for the wrong team. And you know that I could explain it to you...if you cared ;-) And I really NEED that you sell it? Let me know, it's perfect.
