Monday, February 7, 2011

It's snowing! wait, it's SNOWING?

We live in South Texas, where people complain about the heat 9 out of 12 months of the year. It gets up to 105 degrees in the summer. So, when the weatherman said it was going to snow, our city was rapidly sold out of water, blankets and gasoline. It was 16 degrees on this snowy day. The girls threw "snowballs", it was more like snow-cone balls than actual snow, weighing on the side of icy, not fluffy like snow. Nevertheless, it was a morning worth popping out of bed at 6:30, even though school was cancelled, to make snow angels in a quarter inch of snow.

Lexie said, "I wonder what snow tastes like, then she put her tongue on it"..."mmm, it tastes good". Bella said, "Mom, you want to taste it?". I said, "No, Tanner uses the bathroom on this ground"....the consensus? "EWWWWWWWWW".

The girls thought it would be fun to ice skate in the street, the jeep isn't equipped with snow tires, we tried taking it out for a "spin". Our snow day was unusual, unlikely and super chilly....our wardrobes are ill prepared for this kind of precipitation. We made the best of it, had hot chocolate and rejoiced in the fact that we could ice skate, taste snow and throw snowballs at each other without having to get on a ski lift.
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