Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pete and Repeat

4 years ago, in January, Lexie got the flu, then I got the flu.
This past weekend, Lexie had the flu and now, I have the flu. Washing a dish feels like the equivalent of running a marathon, when you have the flu. Brushing your hair, changing clothes or walking to the door to let the dog out is a monumental feat. It is crazy how a microscopic virus can take its toll on a person.
Nonetheless, I was just telling the girls this riddle my Dad always told me...
Pete and Repeat were in a boat, Pete jumped out, who was left?
I hope this flu bug goes away for good and does not "repeat" itself in 4 years. We are saying good riddance to you flu bug, oh yeah, we've had a talk with Pete and he is instructed to KNOCK YOU out of the boat! 
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