Saturday, February 19, 2011


You are on my cell phone AND on my computer. You use my nail polish, my hair products, want hair extensions put into your hair (blue one's) and you wear the very hair accessories that I bought for myself....these things, for the most part, I am ok with.  You love Justin Beiber and think he is "so cool". I'm ok with that too.
So, when I take you to see "Never Say Never", starring Justin Beiber, and I sing along to Justin Beiber's songs, you cannot say that "I embarrass you". Seriously? I am a total Rockstar Mom! 
I know Justin Beiber songs, Katy Perry songs and countless others, I believe that puts me in the express lane to coolness. So, next time you tell me that I am embarrassing you, I am going break out my version of the Elaine dance... 

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1 comment:

  1. Conseils tres interessants. A quand la suite?
