Tuesday, June 15, 2010


First of all, it was an unusually windy day, yeah right. Normandy is the "true Windy City", not Chicago...FYI~
My Mom's scarf looked as though it were going to spread out and parachute her into another town nearby. The thing is, she doesn't weigh much, she is a tiny and let's face it, light as a feather, so a little wind and a scarf blowing in the right direction is likely to take her on flight. But in all seriousness, it was VERY windy. You know, sand in your eyeballs, need a megaphone to convey a message to the person standing a foot away from you, earache kind of windy. Even though it is summer, it was chilly! We had on layers of clothing, hats and scarves and honestly, I needed a ski jacket, and a hot cup of java.
However, the beaches are magnificent. The water is clear, the area is lush with greenery and hills, it is truly a beautiful sight.
There are more than 8,000 American soldiers said to be buried here at the American Memorial of Normandy. We began our day in Normandy at the main beach, then drove on to Omaha Beach to visit a museum. Finally, ending our tour at the Memorial. Our hearts were heavy today as we got a very minor glimpse into the past. These soldiers and those that fought here in World War II, were literally fighting an uphill battle. It is amazing that any troops got through the German brigade at all. The sign as you enter the memorial said "SILENCE AND RESPECT". I can honestly say that when you round the corner and see all of these graves, a force within silences you. It takes your breath away and tugs at your heart in an overwhelming way. All one can do is RESPECT the soldiers that fought here, that died here and their families that were effected by their presence here. The American soldiers that came to the aid of England and France, to fight against Germany are laid to rest here, in this truly breathtaking, magnificent place, that will most certainly put an ache in your heart.

On a side note, while in the museum, I noticed that there were about 40 different types of cigarettes that the American soldiers brought with them, and ironically, condoms. Now, here is the thing that strikes me as being strangely comical about this....you are suited up, shipped off, trained and armed with weapons to kill your enemy in a war, right? I understand the possible need for a cigarette and perhaps even requiring a moment to take a "smoke break", but, condoms? huh.

Nonetheless, it was a long, educational and heart wrenching day. A day that will have touched my heart, will never be forgotten and perhaps, changed my life.

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  1. Wow! What amazing photos and stories! I love it. How awesome that you got to experience it! :)

  2. I agree it's funny in away because they also fed them "Salt Peter" which was used to kill their sex drive. Didn't know they made condoms back then?
