Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Some New STUFF

Ok, so besides having a C R A Z Y busy holiday season with My Sassy Pants Boutique, I was able to sneak in a little fun. My friend Amy and I went on an adventure to get some, well, Sassy photographs of some of my new designs. It was hilarious, fun, adventurous and well, a total blast. I love Amy's personality and her talent, yeah, that is just the frosting on that sweet lil cupcake.

A funny sidenote: (but don't tell her I told ya)
Amy and I are REALLY close friends. On the very first shot, my shirt was snug, but my jeans were even snugger (that is a word only in Texas), so, my tootsie roll was hanging loose. Amy said, in her most friendly way "here, let me tuck in your fat"..... We were both ROLLING laughing. Hey, I love an honest friend, especially one with a serious editing program (wink wink)

Here are the results and the place to get them Sassy tops (and where to find Amy, in case you aren't already stalking her blog).....

Find these goods here: My ETSY store... (psst!) I can make any of these designs on a child's shirt too!

Thank you Amy DeYoung for the rockin' photography and for making it SO MUCH F-U-N !!!!

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