Friday, January 16, 2009


Besides being handsome, smart, hilarious, fun, tall and slim (punk), he's brave.
Here is my brother, cliff diving in Hawaii.
His job really stinks, huh? He gets to travel, with a famous person and meet lots of other famous people. I mean, he does have to work hard at his actual job, but the perks, oh the perks.....
While he is seizing life, I am home seizing a child's fever. Oh yeah, I'm brave too. It runs in the family!

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  1. here's the question...does he ever let YOU meet the famous people??? That would make him an awesome brother!

  2. Yeah - the perks do rock and cliff diving, insane...But I just glanced at YOUR SIDEBAR after reading this post - and smiled...many people travel - and others have rockin' jobs...regardless of the endless list of compliments you just gave YOUR brother - let us not forget the INSANELY blessed talent YOU have in thumbnail photos to the right... :) Etsy anyone??? :) YOU rock...In your living room - in your yoga pants - nurse maid and tired as HECK...YOU rock...your TALENT rocks...All the extras are CRAZY fun - yes...but aren't you LUCKY - YOU are YOU...:)
