Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Each year, a group of ladies meet for Fiesta lunch. It is always a day filled with laughter, fun stories, a little shopping and good times.
We were sitting outside and birds kept swooping down close to us, dropping twigs around. We were just waiting for them to make a deposit on one of us.
It reminded me of a story.....a story of how many years ago, beginning in my middle school years, I used to ALWAYS get pooped on by birds. Once in New Orleans on a field trip, once in Carlsbad Caverns, in a parking lot, on my car....etc.

Then, one day, my (then) husband was laying out by the pool next to me and HE got dumped on. I jumped up, sang, danced and celebrated because I knew that the curse was broken!
I told this story today, and then.....

The piñata was a tradition born in China. Piñata's were filled with seeds and after opened, the remains were burned and the ashes kept for good luck. The piñata came to Mexico during the 16th century. It is said that the Mexican Catholic interpretation of the piñata rested on the struggle of man against temptation. The piñata's photographed above are in a wonderful Mexican bakery....a temptation in it's own right!

A local Spanish channel asked if they could interview us about the Fiesta festivities. The director said "the first question we will ask is where you are from". So, the field anchor says ".....something something Nombre"....My reply was "San Antonio". He stops the tape and says "what is your name, I am asking your name". OOPS.
The second take went much better. I said my name when he asked, only with some Spanish flare. OOPS. I didn't even know I did it. When in Rome???

All in all, it was a day filled with great friends, a little crap and much laughter.....VIVA LA FIESTA!!!!!

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