Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Stuck on YoU.

What does it do? 
Acupuncture stimulates the bodies own ability to heal physically, chemically & emotionally.

I have spent the past 15 years being a sufferer of migraine headaches. After many MANY medications, tests, MRI's and other medical means, I decided to travel down a different path.

In January, I was treated with herbal care, acupuncture, chiropractic and voodoo. Ok, I made that last one up. 

I am terrified of needles...

I am also terrified of having a brain aneurism, so I opted to overcome my fear of needles to heal my brain of the awful migraines.

Instantly, my migraines were better. I was able to go for 3 weeks without a single headache. That is remarkable for my track record.

I went back for more treatments last week. 5 days of care that is changing my body, my life.

 Let me say this, I eat healthy, I exercise and I am happy inside. Those ingredients, along with learning to manage stress, coupled with the treatments I have received are allowing my body to rid itself of migraines.

This is monumental for me. Life is too short to feel bad, to suffer. 

Take a step, for yourself, to healing something that is ailing you. Whether it is your health, your life, your happiness....go after it. Get healed. After all, you only get one shot at this life. May as well enjoy it and feel great!

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