Tuesday, February 7, 2012

On a recent photo shoot, my subject turned the lens on me. 
In college, I modeled for a company that made evening wear. It was the most fun I could have had in fashion college. Make money while trying on dresses all day long, hello, dream job! I feel pretty comfortable in front of a camera or on a runway

Just don't ask me to read a book to 21 Elementary school kids, I tremble. Lexie's 2nd grade teacher and I just had this conversation. I spoke at a conference in front of 13,000 people in New Orleans, about 17 years ago....yeah, I was a little nervous at first, but after a few seconds, I was clear headed and calm. Give me material that I am unprepared for, put me in a room full of happy 2nd graders and I get freakishly nervous. Strange.

Here is a little history to crack you up. When I said "model", I didn't say that I was good at it......Click on the photo to see it larger. Get ready to laugh.
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