Monday, December 5, 2011

Naughty or Nice.

Is it possible to be on both of Santa's lists?
I like to think I am a nice blend of Naughty and Nice. You know, for balance.

In our house, "Magic Elf" comes on December 1st. His name is Henry. 
Henry brings a treat a day until December 24th, when he leaves to help Santa to prepare for the Christmas Eve journey.

Henry watches your behavior and reports back to Santa. 

This morning, Henry wanted to kick Lexie's rear end. She was having a meltdown about wearing a sweatshirt. It was in the low 40's this morning. She wanted to wear a T-shirt. If I was a bad Mommy, I would have let her.

40 minutes later, she was still running around the house without clothes on. She had a firm stance on her ground. I wasn't going to budge. My stance was embedded in concrete, unbenounced to her.

Guess what? She wore the sweatshirt, the scarf and the hat...........against her will. Crying and pouting. SO, what did I do? I started singing "OHHHH, you better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout...." (naughty me)

~AND~ for good measure, this is what she will come home to! 

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