Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Barrel of Monkeys

Oh boy. Where do I start?
Since I have lived in this house (for a year), the water heater has sprung a leak that required some parts to be replaced. The inside A/C unit was damaged and causing mold to grow in the home and had to be replaced. Not to mention they had to do a mold treatment/sealant through the house. Bushes had to be pulled because the sprinkler head no longer works in that area of the yard. Recently, the hard water was corroding the pipes, so a water softener was added to the home.

NOW, the outside A/C unit is "about to break" so either they can replace it now or wait until it breaks....but essentially, 30-50% of my heating and cooling bill is a waste because of the outside unit not working properly.

ON TOP OF THAT, my water heater sprung another leak, only it was internal and fried the wires on the thermostat and is now deemed a "fire hazard". Which means, it has been disconnected and needs to be replaced. 
For the past 4 days, I have been without hot water. I just found out that an adjuster cannot be here until Friday.

My A/C unit hisses like a cat in a dog fight.

And I just got off the phone with the owner of the house and she asked me if I would be interested in buying the house. Great! 

For sale, one barrel of monkeys and a madwoman to boot.

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