Monday, September 5, 2011

N i n e. 9.

I know exactly where I was when I went into labor with Bella. I know the conversation that occurred, almost verbatim. I am replaying the drive to the hospital, I can see the anesthetist like she was sitting next to me now, esh~ (heebee jeebees)

From the moment Bella arrived 9 years ago she has been a blessing of a child. Sweet, kind hearted, smart, thoughtful, artistic. Bella is so many things to me...SO, today, I celebrate my precious Bella for all that she is, all that she will become and all that she has brought into my life. 

Happy Birthday Bella, I love you

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1 comment:

  1. Dear Bella, I wish you a "Joyeux Anniversaire" !!!
    I'm sure you had lots of fun for this special day...

    Stephane, from France.
