Wednesday, August 3, 2011


This was Bella's 2nd grade crush, Rodrigo. He is super adorable and Bella spent most of the year drawing pictures of her and Rodrigo holding hands, or with bubbles over their head with random statements. His Mom looks along the lines of Penelope Cruz, so I had to amp up my game a little bit. Put on some makeup and heels when I went up to school. Don't want the in-laws to think I am a gym rat. Well, I hate athletic clothing, so that is a bad reference. Whatever, you get my point, my baby girl was smitten with a boy, I wanted to make sure she wasn't embarrassed by her family. 

So, when I saw found in her diary the drawing that she made of them kissing, I ratted out my hair, put on my best trailer park (no offense) concoction that I could find and wore it on the last day of school. Needless to say, Rodrigo just wants to be "just friends" with Bella now. A Mama has to do what a Mama has to do, right? Kissing, in 2nd grade....not on my watch. 

I was playing kiss chase in 2nd grade, I practically wrote that book. I've already prepped her, school work is REAL HARD in 3rd grade, tests and all, therefore, she won't have time for little boys. 

Love you Baby. You will thank me someday, when you are nice and smart, making more money than some stinky boy, loving your career, traveling the world...meeting sexy Frenchmen. You're welcome! Mama knows best, Sugar, Mama knows best!

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1 comment:

  1. Haha! That is so hilarious... and really cute :). Second grade! I remember sending love notes to my crushes, but I'm pretty sure they were anonymous half of the time and I never would have acted on them! I was waaay too shy. Your girls are going to break some hearts. They're beautiful, spunky, sassy, smart, and totally original... what boy can resist?!??
