Saturday, July 16, 2011

Where do you live?

There has been a lot of traveling going on this summer. Recently, while on a 10 day trip to Louisiana, one of my friends in Texas said "you are never HOME, so where do you live?". Good point. I guess, based on my traveling adventures over the past 2 months, technically, I am homeless. I'm just a girl who lives in her car. That's how I roll...
Our whirlwind trip to Dallas for market is where the "vacancy" sign was first ignited. Less than two weeks later, off to Louisiana, 2 days following that trip, to Mexico, in the interim, Lexie turned 7 years of age. 
Soon, we will be in Austin for a reunion. Unfortunately, blogging hasn't been a passenger on these trips, however, my camera was a trusty co-captain. Below are a few of the festivities that we engaged in on our journey through summer. 
"The Parade".
A tradition that happens at Nan-E and Pay-Pay's house. "Here comes the Queen" is lovingly chanted as each child makes their way down the parade route. Every child is given the appropriate paraphernalia to attract their patrons.
This is what "JOY" looks like....Great Grandmother with her only Great Grandson.

And then, there is this kind of thrill seeking "JOY" that Lexie is demonstrating. Convincing.

The best woman for the job of raising the crazies easy task.

What's a blog without some Eye Candy. 
Please deposit 25¢.

Happiest Birthday to my sweet precious "7" year old, Lexie. What a ride it has been to watch you grow and blossom into this wonderful, smart, funny, ENERGETIC, fun loving girl. None short of a gift to this planet. I love you and I wish I had a smidgen of your energy! Today, I celebrate you and thank you for all that you have brought into my life, you are a blessing....

Happy Birthday!

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