Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Thats My Honda

Well, it was that time (insert face down kicking and screaming fit here) to downsize from the $80 a week gas-a-holic to a more economical vehicle. I loved my Nissan, with all my heart. I had the Armada 5 1/2 years, the longest I have ever had any vehicle. It was loaded with bells, whistles, BOSE (insert major crying here), sun-roof, Navigation (insert $2000 here), movie star tint that I had to get a special letter from the State to even keep on my car and a tank that could suck a gas station dry...Leather seats, DVD player, XM radio...

So, what is a girl to do? I had to end the love affair I was having with my Nissan. We broke up. It was time. Now, I'm rollin' in my new Accord that has electric windows, leather seats, a sun-roof, a mediocre (insert more sobbing here) radio, a 5 star safety rating (insert victory dance here) and gets....WAIT FOR IT.....WAIT FOR IT....32 miles per gallon (suck it Nissan, boo-yah, in yo face....still a tiny bit of crying here). In honor of my new Honda, I've enclosed the "Thats My Honda Song" for your entertainment. 

***This song contains lyrics that say "sh*t", so if you don't wanna hear it, don't click it*** 

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