Tuesday, June 8, 2010

U Tube

Sunscreen on, snacks on board, life vests securely fastened, drinks on ice. We are ready for a day of good times!
Only, within the first 10 minutes of being in the water, we look over and see a water moccasin swimming about 40 yards away, heading straight towards the kids...We ordered a "KIDS, quick, get in the boat, DO IT NOW!!!!!!!!"...but, I didn't want to terrify the girls into never getting into the lake again. So, we told them that the boat was drifting onto a sand bar. (Sand bar became code for "anyone see a snake?"). Thankfully, there were no more sand bars on our excursion.

The girls got out on the tube with their buddies and had a total blast. We swam, dove off the boat, did cannon balls off the back of the boat, floated in the water, used the tube as a water trampoline and really enjoyed our day on the lake.

On our boat ride back to the dock, Lexie started crying and saying that her arm was burning. She got stung by a bee, while the boat was in motion, going about 30 mph. Poor baby, we got the stinger out immediately, put ice on her and wrapped her arm up in a moist towel. Once we got to the car, she got a rock star band-aid and was suddenly healed. It is amazing the healing power that comes in the form of a decorative adhesive strip with a non-stick pad. Ha!
All in all, it was a wonderful day on the lake.
We are starting our summer off with sun, water and fun! Hope your summer is filled with good times and lots of adventure :~)
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