Friday, June 11, 2010


If a trip in a car is called a ROAD TRIP, what is a trip on an airplane called? Is it just a trip? I think it should be called something clever, like a "FLIP" (flight and trip combined). So...Voila! the notes on my Flip to France.....

My flight left on Thursday afternoon at 4:00, as we were in flight, we watched a sunset, 3 movies, flew over a LOT of water, saw a sunrise, conquered a little bit of turbulence and landed at Charles De Gaulle airport in Paris, France on Friday morning at 8:30 am...I have traveled through 7 hours, like a time warp, eaten 2 meals on a plane, tried to sleep with a neck pillow and a plastic packaged blanket wrapped around me and now I am in France!
This is a picture of France from the plane.
(click on any photo below to enlarge)
Champagne is called Champagne only if made in the Region Champagne, around the city Reims. All the others wines looking and tasting like Champagne, made in the rest of France, are not allowed to use the name Champagne. This is our first toast (in the morning) to commence the 15 days of festivities that we are about to embark upon in France..

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