Thursday, May 7, 2009

Peace of Work !

Bella has been asking me for months to teach her how to sew. I haven't had much free time to do this, but last week, I took the time to teach her a few basics. She had such a blast and kept asking me to let her sew more, more, more. (Oh, more more more just delivered me a Billy Idol flashback)....So, I let her piece fabrics together and create her own collage. She absolutely loved sewing...She even asked for a small sewing machine for herself (a girl after my heart, as if she doesn't already have it!)

Today, I decided to make something with her "Peace" of artwork, so check it out.. (click on the photograph for an enlarged view)


I will be offering patchwork crosses and peace signs on the website VERY SOON. I just have a few more details and I will let you know when it is up and running...For now, here is a preview of Bella's Master-PEACE....

post signature


  1. Following in her mama's footsteps already, go BELLA! I love it.

  2. Hi Bella!! Your "peace" is beautiful! We all miss you very much. Keep up the good work, Char!
