Tuesday, May 26, 2009

# 388

This is my 388th blog post and yet it feels like yesterday that my friends threatened to give me Indian burn if I didn't get with the times and start a "blog". Over 2 years later we are onto Facebook and Twitter....but I am standing my ground, NO TWITTER'n for me. A girl can only do so much posting, picture uploading and story telling, eh?

Right now in my life, I have no free time. My Sassy Pants is opening up another location this weekend, Lexie graduated (Mom, I promise to get those pictures up VERY SOON), Bella's school year wraps up next week and there is this Fairy Tale Ball, Ice Cream Social and Dance Recital to be had....so, I just wanted to check in and say H O W D Y !!!

I ain't forgotten about you pretty little thangs, I am just working like a crazy woman for the next few weeks. I will leave you with a little taste of what is coming on the website....in the meantime, I hope your world is rockin with good, happy times...

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