Monday, April 27, 2009

Best Shot Monday

This past week was "Battle of the Flowers", a Fiesta celebration in San Antonio. The schools celebrate and are off for the day to commemorate this event..... The idea for the first Battle of Flowers Parade was conceived early in 1891 by the wife of a congressman who had seen a similar parade in Spain. She suggested to her friends that a flower parade should be held in San Antonio each year on April 21 in memory of the fallen heroes at the Alamo and to commemorate the victory at the Battle of San Jacinto, April 21, 1836, where Texas had gained its independence from Mexico.

The first parade had an actual "flower battle" with half of the fresh-flower-covered carriages, floats and bicycles going in one direction and the other half going in the opposite direction, tossing fresh flowers at each other as they passed.

Here is Bella, carrying her float (which she had to decorate for a homework assignment) in their school parade to honor "Battle of the Flowers"...
A special thank you to Nan-E for her expertise in decorating Mardi Gras floats. Nan-E assisted Bella in getting her float put together and she even taught Bella how to make paper tissue flowers!

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  1. What a FUN tradition!! I wish we had something like that here in So. Cal.
    And your 2 Flowers are the cutest in the bunch!!
