Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Princess goes to the ball.........kind of......

Once upon a time, there lived a Sassy Princess, named Lexie.
She and all of her royal court fancied the local hang out for 4 year old Princesses where they painted their nails, danced to HSM tunes and wrapped themselves in the finest collection of garments and glorious accessories there ever was....

They played and had fun....and lived Happily Ever After....until there was a slight disagreement over the glasses, the nail salon lady had vanished and there were royal fits of crying because the check out line was too long.....then, the chariot wasn't playing the DVD fast enough on the way home.....
But then, the Princess fell fast asleep in the car, and the Queen lived happily ever after-noon. WHEW!

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  1. HA!! So funny, Charisse. Got the letter and photos today. Jacob said...."Mom, we haven't gotten the allergy shots yet!!" Is he actually excited for some shots? Still trying to convince Bryan that you guys are not serial killers. He thinks I'm nuts for wanting to send them to you.
