Friday, November 21, 2008

A True Story

I feel so compelled to share this story with you about my friend Jessica. She lives in Florida, not far from where we used to live and has been tormented by her neighbor for years.

The neighbors have written graphic notes on their fence about Jessica and Ray, the neighbors hang underwear in their window, they have called Jessica and Ray many names , such as "voyeurs"....Jessica has had pet feces dumped into their yard and the list goes on.

Well, now their neighbor intended to KILL Jessica's cat, by putting anti-freeze into a can of chicken and left it in the yard. However, another neighbors dog ate the chicken and died! Can you believe this??? I would not want my children to be around people like this....and yet, Jessica, Ray and their daughter have to live next to these people....

I have never been so outraged. What type of human being is capable of such inhuman acts? To purposely injure/kill a living thing. What's so dangerous about this is that Jessica has a young child that could have eaten this poisonous food.

To read more of the story, click HERE

(Be sure to scroll down when you click on her blog to read the story)

Please post a comment on Jessica's blog if you have some advice or helpful tips that may help her and her neighbors to prosecute these criminals.... OH, and the lady that is doing all of this to Jessica and Ray, YEAH, she is a SCHOOL TEACHER!

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  1. Wow. I just went and read all about it. I can't believe they can't do anything to this lady! She is clearly mental! I'm praying for them.

  2. Sickos. Why do they hate Jessica and Ray so much? And I still don't get the underwear thing.....I know all about nasty neighbors, but even he wouldn't sink to this level.

  3. Thanks for the support, Charisse! For anyone wondering our neighbor doesn't like us because we won't keep our kitchen blinds closed during the day & she can see into our house. She even came over & asked us to keep the blinds closed one time!

    We're just waiting to have permission from the authorities to start alerting others to her. It really bothers me that a child such as mine could have gotten into it!

  4. Crazies!
    Im thanking my luck stars that I dont live nextdoor to someone like that!
