Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Pillowcase Dress

Maybe it is the nature of the Pillowcase dress, the sweet ties, the versatility....It is still a classic favorite of mine to make... and now that I am selling these SUPER CUTE SASSY Pettipants underneath, who can resist?
Bella and I did a mini photo shoot to display the many uses of the Pillowcase Dress and it was fun. She wanted "Libby Lu" hair, so I did my best to pull that one off... I have a few Holiday Marketplace Shows this week and have been in full speed ahead, sewing, gluing, building, ironing, creating.

However, I have still made time to take my girls to see HSM 3 and a few other fun activities. Working from home has it's perks, I suppose. Please don't come and visit this week though, one of those "perks" is not having time to clean the house...

Hmmm, shouldn't an at home studio come with a housekeeper? I think YES! I am calling my boss now.

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  1. and such a professional little model there too!

  2. That's so funny, great minds think alike! I've been planning to make some pillow case dresses, they're SO cute! Plus, since I'll have two girls soon, it can be a fun way to match their outfits while I can get away with it! :)

  3. Those pants are A-dorable. Do you think Bryan would notice if I bought a pair and made Evan wear them?

  4. Where are you selling them? On Etsy?

  5. The girls are so beautiful! I always enjoy seeing their pictures and the new creations you design! Great work darlin! I miss you guys very much! Much love, JJ

  6. Very cute! I NEED a pair of those leggings! I actually looked at some in Canton and now I am wishing that I had gotten them. Are you going to list some on etsy? You must be super busy b/c we haven't talked in awhile! Give me a call when you get a chance!!
