Sunday, October 5, 2008

30-Somethin' er uh-nuther

When in Round Top, talk as the country folk do.....
Hoowwwwwwdyyy Lil' Lady. How Y'ALL doin?

Spent my Birthday shopping at Round Top Market, in the dust and hay. My feet were black with dirt after walking 14 miles to find a wardrobe of necklaces, since I don't have ANY jewelry, at all. I got some great stuff, even if my feet were black with dirt and my lungs were coated with hay dust. If that don't make ya a cowgirl, hell y'all, I don't know what will. Other than riding a bull....but, my jeans were too tight to get on that dang bull....I tried. I did.

Anyhow, Here are some pics of the girls that ate dirt with me,
blackened up their feet, spent too much money and helped me celebrate by eating Fried Chicken at Klump's, in Round Top, Texas (population 77).

We almost got kicked out of Klumps, apparently if you order your food to go, ya gotta take it to go. In a small town, it is a federal offense to sit down inside a restaurant that only has 14 tables and eat your food out of Styrofoam, instead of on a plastic plate. It makes a difference, they will call the sheriff, which is funny, because he works in the post office, that is also the general store, and the ER all in one.

This is the bed and breakfast that we stayed at, thank you Ida. It was wonderful....even if it was 66 degrees (lol)

So, a big whoppin' thank you to "Girls Gone Wild Shopping" crew that made this weekend memorable and extra special.
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  1. I had a great time! Johnny is teasing me saying that I am wearing our groceries! Oh well. We need to plan the next getaway sometime very soon!!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful Birthday!! :)

  3. Oh, Sassy, I wish I could have been there. But, it was a TON of fun reading about it. Almost as good, I think. Happy Birthday, Charrise.

  4. I want to see pictures of your treasures! I'm sure I will not be taking any fun trips like that, so I've got to live vicariously my friend. Plus, you need to keep me up to date on what's sassy!

  5. Oh, the b&b looks gorgeous! Glad you had a good time!

  6. Happy Belated's good to get out of town with the girls every now and then!!

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!


    I wish you all the happiness inthe world (oh yeah - and all the jewelry too....)
