Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Good Question

Reading Baby J. the Beginners Bible.....

Lexie: Mommy, is Jesus in your heart?

Me: Yes.

Lexie: Is Jesus in MY heart?

Me: Yes, he is.

Lexie: (pondering the thought) Well, HOW'D HE GET IN THERE???

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  1. ha ha ha SO cute.

    Adam thinks Jesus is is his belly, so at least she knows he's in her HEART! :)

  2. That is very sweet! Looks like she is doing a great job of entertaining that sweet baby too!

  3. Wowza! - What an incredible way for your kids to pass some time - flipping through their own kid-sized bible!!
    You are obviously great parents :-)
    I can see that you spend Alot of time teaching, hanging out with and enjoying them.
    They must be little Saints! (haha then reality hits and the screaming starts!!)

  4. Priceless! Hope y'all are doing well. Sorry I've been so swamped and FINALLY checking blogs!
