Really, can they find a few hours of entertainment in the room(S) stocked with toys in our home? This is going to drive me bonkers if this is how the summer is going to go.
On another note, playing electronics all day keeps my home surprisingly neat and uncluttered....hmmm~
I am either going to have a weekend of "Electronics only", where they aren't allowed to play with anything, go anywhere, no playdates, no swimming...only the mundane burning of the batteries. Perhaps after a full 48 hours of being an electronic zombie, they will locate an interest in society, adventure, the outside world ~OR~ I am going to have to be inventive and create an electronic time incentive program!
For goodness sake, my brother and I used to sit in tin buckets, play in sprinklers, make mud pies, play in the rain, rake leaves into floor plans and pretend we had mansions....there was no TV watching, no Nintendo something or another, no iPod. We were lucky to watch A (singular) "A" cartoon for 30 minutes on Saturday mornings.
Realization: I am complaining about the girls being on electronics as I am typing this blog entry on my computer in the middle of the day.....DUH MOM~
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