Monday, May 2, 2011

River Walk

What to do on a gorgeous Sunday....what to do on Sunday? 

Call up your good buddies and head to the Riverwalk. We had lunch, walked around the river, went to the Alamo. It was a day of good times. Bella, after a day of good times, was ruthless about wanting ice cream. So, Shannon partner in crime and I took it upon ourselves to "learn her a lesson". We went around the car and made everyone say what they were thankful for about our special day. Sarah, Lexie, Shannon and myself were quick to reply what we loved about our day. Bella says "I will tell you what I am thankful for about my day if you get us ice cream". So, my reply was (with evil laughter playing in the background of my head) "Bella, YOU have to write down 10 things you are thankful for about today"....

Needless to say: lesson learned. She wrote down more than 10 things (thank you Shannon, you rule!), apologized for not being thankful and in the end, got a small ice cream cone. One thing is for sure, that girl can negotiate like nobody's business. I can stand to learn a thing or two from her "skills" Cuz, Mama needs some new shoes.

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