Friday, October 29, 2010


Bella's class had a Greece project. She was chosen to be Demeter. Her speech went something like this; "Hi, I am Demeter, the Goddess of Grain, better known as Mother Earth. I have a brother named Zeus. My daughter is named Persephone. Hades stole Persephone from me. I was very sad, so I made all of the harvest, flowers, trees and plants die. After 6 months, Persephone was returned to me, which is when I brought all of the plants back to life. This is called Spring. Greek Mythology states that this is how the seasons of Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall were born."
Bella had to repeat this paragraph, in character, for about 1 hour and 100 times for other students in the school. Basically, they set up the classroom as a wax museum and every time a student pressed their come to life button, they would have to do their speech.
So, in essence, Bella rules the Earth....tell me something I don't know, ha~

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1 comment:

  1. Very impressive! She could have called me too for some pointers on being a Greek goddess ;-)
