Saturday, July 10, 2010

Upstate New York

Duck Duck Duck, Daisy? I love the flowers that were in bloom this time of year in Upstate New York. I took a bunch of pictures of different flowers, but I loved how unique these little guys were. They look like duck-heads to me.

The Adirondack chair was originally called the Westport chair, named after the small town in New York. I loved the color combo and the little diva's that adorned these chairs!

About 9 years ago, T-bone took me to these falls and I really enjoyed the hike, the creek, the scenery, but I was freezing cold and just wanted a big blanket and a cup of hot chocolate.
This time, the falls were even more exciting to see because the girls really loved skipping rocks and sinking their toes into the chilly water. I could sit and listen to the sound of a waterfall for hours. It is such a beautiful and tranquil place in the Adirondack Mountains.

This carnival is in a town on a little beach somewhere an hour and a half away from Caznovia. The carnival remains in tact year round, but reminded me of a fair in Texas that is seasonal. The girls loved riding the rides and walking around, winning a prize for shooting a target on a duck, you know, eating funnel cakes, seeing the world's smallest unicorn and buying happy faced rocks. I'm kidding.

We had a great time, thanks Mary, Skyler and Jakers. We love you guys!

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