Saturday, July 31, 2010

Southern Fried

Tootie, Gran-P and Nona were having a good ole time at the party!
My sister in law (Mel)...first of all, let me say, seriously? she is pregnant and as it would happen, had the baby the morning after orchestrating this wonderful party. seriously? who looks this good at 9 months?
Anyhow, Mel (supermodel) makes the most insane, incredible paper mache' pinata's I have EVER seen in my life. This cow is no exception. A pinata people, isn't it somethin'?
Mel and Moose (my bro) had a real shindig of a party for "Tootie". She had a great birthday party and this was the 2nd year in a row that we were fortunate enough to attend. What a GREAT job Mel and Moose!
Then, as luck would have it, we got to meet "Bob the Builder" as Tootie lovingly called him. This was his first photo preparation for the many years of Aunt Sassy snapping shots of him every millisecond for the rest of his life....
What a blessing to have spent such quality time with family and to experience the miracle of God in this sweet little boy.

Y'all come back now, ya hear?

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