Tuesday, June 22, 2010


In direct reflection of self, I believe that Bordeaux was the city that best mimicked my personal style. I really loved Bordeaux. The city, shopping, the architecture, chocolate shops, wine vineyards, shopping, festivals, shopping.....and the mirrored water fountain.

We went shopping (I know, shocking) down a street called "Rue Saint Catherine", where no vehicles are allowed except motorcycles. They actually block the road off so that you can shop freely, photographed above. The chocolate shops had the most amazing sculptures crafted from chocolate, hand painted with white chocolate.

The mirrored fountain was a personal favorite of mine. I imagined myself sitting on a blanket at the edge of the water, watching my girls run around and enjoying the mist, the water and the experience, while eating cheese, chocolate and drinking champagne. Along with my camera, because my FAVORITE picture from the entire trip is of Mom and Kenny in the mirrored fountain. I love the sky, the building in the background, their reflection and the love that is so apparent between them in this picture. Ahhhh, amore'!

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