Friday, April 30, 2010

Bucket List

NUMBER 1: Trip to France, see the Eiffel tower and the lights that decorate her so beautifully, see the countryside surrounding Combourg, taste wine at a vineyard in Bordeaux, get a personal tour of the country by our French brother, Stephane'...and have a blast.

Yep, the countdown is on for my trip to France...I can hardly believe that it is only 41 days away. For one, I haven't seen Stephane' in 20 years. Second, I have never been to France. I am very thrilled to be going on this trip with my Mom and Kenny. I cannot remember the last time I got to spend time with my Mom, real adult time.

NUMBER 2: Get a massage near hot springs someplace tropical.
NUMBER 3: Scuba dive in Maui.
NUMBER 4: Ride a train from one country to the next in Europe.
NUMBER 5: See Kenny Chesney up close, in concert, or at dinner, his choice!
NUMBER 6: Learn Spanish.
NUMBER 7: Get REAL good photography lessons.
NUMBER 8: Donate my time to a charitable cause.
NUMBER 9: Make a Million Dollars.
NUMBER 10: Make a longer list. (Ok, I cannot share everything that is on my list, plus, I am still adding to it!)

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  1. "taste wine at a vineyard in Bordeaux"
    Mmmm, for that, SAINT EMILION should be one of the better place...
    Ok, we'll go there ;)

  2. If you get a chance, you must go se Versialles. It is amazing! It's a 20 min train ride from Paris. I've been to Paris twice & saw Versailles both times & each time saw something new. The place is HUGE! If you like history, pretty places, gardens, etc. I would highly recommend it. It's one of my favorite places in Paris. Another fun/cool place to check out is the area by Moulin Rouge where the artists hang out to sell their stuff. It's near the big white church on the hilltop (I can't remember the name of it) it was really cool over there.
    Oh, I am so excited for you! You are going to have so much fun! Get ready! Take loads & loads of pictures & just a suggestion, keep a journal of where you went each day (otherwise, if you're like me, you'll take so many pictures you'll forget the names of all the places of the pics).

    After your 1st trip, you ever want to go again, just to get away....girl call me! I am so there! I have enough miles & all I need is an excuse to get away! Paris is my favorite city in the world! Just ask Tim, he knows how much I've traveled...Paris is jusr AWESOME! Oh...& French people are nice as long as you are not a typical "rude" American & try to speak French (duhh)!

    Have a blast!! Did I mantion I'm a LOVE Paris!!


  3. 10 days...
    Are you ready ???
