Tuesday, December 8, 2009

J o Y....

the twirl.

the hop.

jump for J o Y


pretty smiles... all of the things that I love about the holidays. My girls fill my heart with JoY.

These are only a few of the shots that I took on the beach for our Christmas cards.
Quite a few of the images were too dark, or the background was blown (white)....The only time of day to shoot images on the beach is in the latter part of the day, when the sun falls over the water just right, the sea grass blows just so and the waves are soothingly calm. But, in November, the latter part of the day is fffreezing. So, we went with the middle of the day and if I were a "real" trooper of a photographer, I would have gotten waist deep in the water and shot the images on the diagonal, so that the lighting would have been right, and the beach would have still been in the photographs. BUT HEY, I draw the line at putting my very special camera in deep water, something might happen to it. Really, it is not that I would have been experiencing hyperthermia, no, no, it is all about the camera. I'm a die hard Canon Rebel XTi lover.....
Hope you didn't have to get knee deep in anything to get your favorite "card worthy photo".
Happy Holidays Y'All.........
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