Monday, November 2, 2009

No Tricks Here....

This year, we had about 60 people at our Curbside Halloween Party. Complete with a hay ride, trick or treating, BBQ, glow sticks, a fire pit and good times.
Our friends, Mark and Shannon, set up a strobe house that was made of black tarp and painted white polka dots in varying sizes. The kids ate a bunch of candy and then stood in the strobe light house for about an hour or so...I'm thinking that they are going to have flashbacks of their candy rush/lightening flashes someday...ha! (Much like my flashbacks of 80's hair, brutal I tell ya, brutal)!

Lexie was a fairy this year (her ballet recital costume) and Bella was Cleopatra.
Bella's class is studying Egypt, so it was a natural choice for her. The girls stayed up until 11:00 and ate more sugar in one night than (I believe) they have had this entire year. The rest of the crowd fizzled out at 2AM...It was a Happy Halloween had by all!

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