Friday, October 23, 2009

TwO wHeeL'n it......

With a little instruction and a helping hand (or four), one can accomplish many feats....

Funny how a little competition can create incentive....Lexie's friend, a 4 year old, got on her 2 wheeled bike and mastered it in an afternoon. Well, little miss 5 year old wasn't going to be shown up by her friend....Lexie is a quick learner, she was able to balance and take off on her two wheeled bike in a matter of minutes. She never got frustrated, she NEVER fell and she giggled the entire time.

Lexie even had her own cheer-leading squad. Bella was a very good big sister, cheering Lexie on and giving her a few tips/instructions/step-by-step "how to's" along the way. Bella offered Lexie loads of positive encouragement and jumped up and down while clapping when T-bone let go and Lexie was on her own....

Hey, that is what Sisters do for each other, they love, encourage, hug, high five, laugh together, share toys, share secrets, know each other better than anyone else ever will, fight, make up....(hey, noboby is perfect), they are best friends without even knowing the treasure that lies in having a sister.

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1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Lexie! She's gotta keep up with her big sister!!
