Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lexie graduates!

Lexie walks around telling people "I registered for Kindergarten"...Strangers, friends, people at her future school, it doesn't matter, she is "registered" to be a BIG GIRL.

I cannot believe that she has graduated from Preschool and is going to the big leagues next year. I have to tell you, I cried when I saw her in her cap and gown. I saw a glimpse into my future, watching her walk across the stage to get her High School diploma, heading off to college...and I couldn't control my tears. Life comes at you so fast sometimes, but this moment was in slow motion for me. I was able to truly relish in this moment....My baby girl is growing up.

Lexie, Way to go! You have grown up so much this year and as we watch you grow into this wonderful and amazingly smart girl, we cannot help but smile and find ourselves in a PROUD place. Congratulations Lexie!!

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