Sunday, March 15, 2009

Roughing It for Best Shot Monday

Bella was such a trooper. From the minute we arrived at our "camp", she was suited up and ready for fishing. Never mind that it was 37 degrees and a little windy, she was ALL IN for a jam packed weekend filled with good times.
(side note: Bella wanted to bring the worms home with us....that girl catches lizards and plays with worms.....SO NOT like me in that category)

Lexie was the only one in our crew that caught a fish. She was so elated....Way to go Lexie...You show them boys how it is done, girl!

A "retired" tractor makes for a great photo opt...

Sitting on the wall of the "Reflection Pond", thankfully, the only thing that got a "close up" of the pond was one of Bella's boots....

The Guadalupe River

Hiking Sticks are necessary to ward off....uh, fish?

T-bone is showing the girls a GREAT TIME on the river....Thank you so much for a wonderful weekend. We love you!

Hey, it didn't rain, but our new "rain boots" got a lot of wear and were a big hit with the girls.

Here we are.....ROUGHING IT!
You can click on any of the photographs for a larger view.
I think my Favorite Shot is the one of the girls with their reflection in the pond...What is yours?
Head over to TRACEY'S blog for more Best Shots...

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  1. Awesome pics! So glad you guys had a good time!!

  2. I like the family photo. It looks waaaaaaay too cold for me. Glad you had a cabin and not a tent.

  3. #1 of Bella - Lexie's face when leaning on Bella's shoulder...and again her face wading in water - so cute! ;)

  4. Great pictures! It looks like you had an awesome time!

  5. I like the one of the two girls and the tree. I love tree pictures for some reason! :)

  6. Umm, Sassy stayed in the Wilderness? I like the tree one also!
